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Smiles'n Kids Montessori school welcome children from 3 to 6 years old in 2 bilingual classes. 

3 adults per class

We offer each child a personalized follow-up, special attention and care in order to enable him to develop at his own pace. The pedagogical team supervising a class of around 25 children consists of one certified Montessori Guide and two assistants. 



In our school, children are immersed in a bilingual ambiance French/English throughout the week. In each class and all day long, they will be assisted by 3 adults, two native French speakers and one native English speaker. 

The English-speaking person is present the children in the classroom, accompanies them to the park, has friendly chats during the lunch and likewise does the French-speaking teacher. In addition, before lunchtime, teachers take turns to sing song and read books in their language. This way, children discover, explore and play in English and in French all day long. The adults exclusively speak to the children in their mother tongue.

Hence, children learn naturally and effortlessly the new language(s) and become open to other culture(s).

Special activities 

In addition to the Montessori pedagogy, we initiate children with valuable tools that will enable them to have a better understanding of themselves and become aware of living together: 

·"Mood thermometer": everyday, children learn how to identify and express their emotions in order to better handle them and to develop empathy.
·"Relax Time": a moment of relaxation to raise awareness of their bodies and inner world. 
·"Mother Nature": gardening workshops to discover the natural cycle, looking after it and the joy of harvesting the fruits, composting and one field trip to observe the Nature at every season.    
Those moments take place during the normal school hours. 

Acquisition de la continence 

Nombreux sont les enfants qui, en arrivant à l'école à 2 ans, portent encore des couches. Le rôle de l'équipe pédagogique est d'observer les signes, d'échanger avec les parents, pour accompagner les enfants en douceur, lorsqu'ils sont prêts, à utiliser les toilettes. 

L'Ecole Montessori Bilingue Smiles'n Kis, située dans le 92 entre Iss-les-Moulineaux et Meudon, propose un enseignement bilingue anglais-français. Les enfant appennent l'anglais en s'amusant, avec une éducatrice Montessori de langue maternelle anglaise.

Confiance en soi et autonomie

L'autonomie est un pilier de la pédagogie Montessori. Très jeune, l'enfant souhaite faire par lui-même. L'équipe Smiles'n Kids est formée pour accompagner l'enfant dans l'autonomie, dès son plus jeune âge : préparer un environnement qui lui permette d'être le plus autonome possible, ne pas faire à sa place, lui apporter une aide quand elle est utile, considérer l'erreur comme une étape naturelle et importante du processus d'apprentissage.
Lorsqu'il fait par lui-même, l'enfant développe sa capacité à trouver des solutions et renforce sa confiance en lui.elle !  

Parents are part of the team !

  • 5 workshops are held by the team for parents to better understand the Montessori Pedagogy.

  • Regular exhange :  parents can talk to the teachers in an informal way before school starts or at the end of the day. 

  • Asking for an appointment : anytime, parents and teachers can set an appointment.  

  • Parent-teacher meeting : a formal parent-teacher meeting is organized twice a year, and a written Progress Report is handed over to the parents at the end of each school year.

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