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Our pedagogical vision

Each member of our team shares the same vision of what school should provide to children. A vision which motivates us every morning
and gives rise to each action we take at school. 


Respect the pace of each child to facilitate knowledge acquisition. 


Within a supportive environment, each learner progresses at his/her own pace. The child manipulates the materials, he moves freely, creates, explores, observes and thrives.  Allowing him to choose the activities he wants to work on and helping him learn by himself are the keys to fully showing his potentials.


Favoriser le développement de l'autonomie et de l'estime de soi


L'autonomie, en 1 mot, c'est grandir !

En devenant plus autonome, l'enfant acquière une confiance en lui et devient capable de réfléchir et d'agir par lui-même. Il développe son estime de soi.

Dans notre école, l'enfant apprendra à faire seul, dans un environnement adapté et bienveillant.   

Développer l'autonomie et la responsabilisation dès le plus jeune âge.


Apprendre à manipuler le matériel et à faire des tâches quotidiennes de façon autonome est clé pour l'enfant. Car l'aider à agir seul, c'est l'aider à conquérir sa vie et sa liberté. Il devient capable de réfléchir et d'agir par lui-même. Autonome, l'enfant acquière l'estime de soi.

Foster autonomy and self-esteem.


As he becomes more autonomous, the child strengthens his self-confidence and is able to think and act by himself. In a nutshell, autonomy means growing.

In our school, the child learns to do things by himself, within a prepared and supportive environment. He builds his self-esteem, a critical skill to support their development throughout his life !  



Permettre à chaque enfant de se développer dans le respect de son rythme et de sa personnalité. L'objectif ? Qu'il s'épanouisse et exprime pleinement ses potentiels.

Favour openness to others and the discovery of the world which surrounds him.


The child is a natural observer and explorer of the world. Our school offers activities of self-discovery (handling emotions, relaxation, yoga), exploring different cultures and nature : children go on fiel trips and can garden when they want.  



Give a positive first experience of school.


Children are happy to come to school because they are in a supportive and stimulating environment. Making them happy to learn and be part of the school community are the cornerstones of a happy and fulfilling school experience !


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